The sample images (cld-sample to cld-sample-5) are used for showing samples of dynamic and named transformations when generating them through the Transformations page of the Management Console web interface. Therefore, this image is automatically created if missing.
You can upload an alternative image with the same public ID if you wish to use a different image for transformation samples. Please note that the sample image needs to be located in the 'root' folder.
I'm trying to replace the sample image, but keep getting the following error when moving the sample out of the root folder (to then replace it).
Hi @IO Project,
You can replace the sample image by using the "Upload" button (top-right) when on the Media Library, opening the Advanced dropdown and going to the Public ID field, entering "Sample" and then selecting a file for upload. That should then prompt you to confirm if you want to overwrite the default sample image with your own. Once overwritten, the Media Library will use your sample image as a placeholder rather than the default.
In terms of the error - please create a ticket with us via - - and let us know your cloud name and we'll be able to look into that for you.
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