To use images inside a folder or multiple folders you should change every /
character with the :
For example, here's an image in multiple folders (public ID - "multiple/folders/sample"):
To add this image as an overlay, a URL like the following should be used:,w_200/brown_sheep.jpg
You can add as many overlays as you want separated by a slash. It is recommended to specify the x and y coordinates since multiple overlays are used or use the gravity feature to place them as shown below:
Read more about overlays via our Documentation.
Thank you for pointing that out Christian.
We'll definitely add that to our official docs as soon as possible.
Thank you for posting this, it took me forever to find. Not sure why this is undocumented (if it is, I couldn't find it)
Thanks for pointing that out! However, it doesn't seem like 'cloudinary_url' function is generating the right link...
Hi, Jason. Could you please share an example so we take a closer look at it?
I was creating filmstrips using overlays but the url generated no longer worked after I started placing photos in subdirectories. This article saved the day for me. Thanks!
What if the two images are inside different sub folders?
Image #1:
Image #2:
How to overlay this two images?
Thanks in advance
You can add as many overlays as you want separated by a slash. Since you are giving multiple overlays you can specify the x and y coordinates for the overlays or use gravity feature to place them.<cloud_name>/image/upload/l_subfolder_1:sample_1/l_subfolder2:sample_2,x_<enter x_co-ordinate>,y_<enter y_co-ordinate>/main_image.png
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