For every POST request, Cloudinary returns a JSON response containing all relevant data to the client side.
In order to use this response, extract essential information, and store it in your database or present it to your end users, you can bind to the cloudinarydone
For example, if your uploader code looks like this:
<input name="file" type="file" class="cloudinary-fileupload" data-cloudinary-field="image_id" data-form-data=" --- Data-JSON --- "></input>
Then the following code will print the upload response:
$('.cloudinary-fileupload').bind('cloudinarydone', function(e, data) {
return true;
Example upload response in the console tab below:
Other use cases can include database maintenance, upload thumbnail display, logging, etc.
Is there a way to store this JSON response "data" into a php array so that I can POST it when I submit the form?
I've been trying and no luck on how to convert this Javascript to PHP.
You can use the identifier that is injected to the form as a hidden field once the upload is done, and send it upon submission. More information is available here:
Yes, I understand thank you.
Is there anyway to set the hidden field value to the "public_id" value instead?
I can see hidden field currently sets the value to the image path i.e "image/upload/v1478772086/anzfiijfgtlsuclt9kgz.jpg#84505ad7aa54df14a08f61c144f9e1fa3f899247"
I think it's better if I could store the public_id in my database instead to apply image transformations easier?
I'm guessing the function (cl_form_tag) in the Helpers.php file would have to be modified?
You can use the PreloadedFile class to achieve that separation. E.g.:
$preloaded = new \Cloudinary\PreloadedFile("image/upload/v1234567890/sample.jpg#abcd");
echo $preloaded->public_id;
Ok thanks.
I'm actually posting the form as an image[] array because I'm uploading various images at once before I submit the form. I've tried to use the PreloadedFile class but it doesn't accept arrays. Is there a way for it to accept my array of $_POST['image_id']?
Hi Andres,
PreloadedFile is type that represents a single resource. You'll have to iterate through your uploaded images and parse each one separately.
Hi Nadav,
Thanks for your help! I have been able to succesfully get this running :)
Here is my code for anyone else needing this.
< ? php
echo cloudinary_js_config();
if(isset($_POST['image_id'] )){
foreach($_POST['image_id'] as $value){
$preloaded = new \Cloudinary\PreloadedFile($value);
if (!$preloaded->is_valid()) {
echo "Invalid upload signature";
} else {
$photo_id = $preloaded->public_id;
echo "You have uploaded this image: ";
echo cl_image_tag($photo_id, array("format" => "jpg", "crop" => "fill", "width" => 120, "height" => 80));
echo " < b r > ";
? >
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