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How can I integrate Cloudinary with my existing WooCommerce store?



  • Abhishek Shah

    Hey, I don't find any option to add image through Cloudinary for product image & gallery. Can someone help please? Thanks :)

  • Nadav Ofir

    With Woocommerce, on the Product Edit-Page you should see the "Cloudinary Upload/Insert" button, which should be used to embed images from your Cloudinary account.

  • Gisar Ari Turrokhman


    I just see "Cloudinary Upload/Insert" button on Description and Excerpt field.,

    I'm not found that button on Woocommerce product edit page...

    Which button do you mean..??

  • Gisar Ari Turrokhman

    I try to save my Woocommerce product image on Cloudinary, but I found so much Issue which make me confuse to us it. There are many Issue that I found :

    • When I upload using WP Media Library, and then Upload to Cloudinary, the Image on WP Media Library still exist and still saved on my server, but the Link of image has been change to Cloudinary.
    • When I delete the image on WP Media Library, The image on Cloudinary still Exis, but on Product Shop Page the Image has been lost.

    I think this is integration make my Image is Linked and Saved on Cloudinary, but I see it just for Linking, not Saving.

    It is not Sychron properly with WP Media Library.

    I just want to have my image post/product saved on another site like as insert image URL that the image not saved on my server, and then I can Export-Import post/product with image as URL.

    Please corret me about my understanding of using this plugin.

  • Shirly Manor

    That is correct because by design we don't touch the images inside the WP media library. The reason for that is that in case you'll decide to stop using Cloudinary you can just disconnect.

    Same goes to delete. when deleting an image from WP media it will delete it only from your WP account. That design is letting you using Cloudinary images on other locations (different website, app..).

    Please let me know if that makes sense,

  • Omar


    I got my images seamlessly updated for on my woocomerce store, now how do i can apply a transformation to all my images? like c_scale,f_auto,q_100,w_573 ??? could not find how to make that.

  • Itay Taragano

    It's on our road-map to support a global transformation for all of the images in one of our future versions of the WP plugin. In the meantime, as a workaround, you can use something like the following method to update your URLs with a transformation of your choice:


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