When using the Cloudinary WordPress plugin, you can apply transformations to images and videos at different levels:
Global-level transformations
Global-level transformations apply to all assets throughout your site. The best practice for global-level transformations is to ensure they don’t edit the content of the media too significantly and therefore would not need to be overwritten. An example would be to add a watermark to all your media assets.
Here is a short video demonstrating how to apply the sepia effect to all the images on my website, the same process applies to videos:
Taxonomy-level transformations
Taxonomy-level transformations are specific to a defined taxonomy, either a category or a tag.
For both videos and images, you can add a transformation string that will be applied to all the assets on a page or a post where a category or a tag is added.
If you have multiple categories or tags, you can configure the order in which the taxonomy level transformations should be applied.
Here is a short video demonstrating how to apply the grayscale effect to all the images of a specific post via a category, the same process applies to videos:
Individual-level transformations
Individual-level transformations are specific to an asset imported from Cloudinary on a post or a page.
For both videos and images, you can add a transformation string that will be applied to the specific asset you want to add.
Here is a short video demonstrating how to apply the blue effect to the image imported, the same process applies to videos:
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