Drupal Integration
I would like to have such that when I upload an image on Drupal, that the image also upload to Cloudinary. I would also like to upload all the images currently being hosted on Drupal to Cloudinary. I would like to do this because I want to call image that can be compressed to a react native mobile app. How would I go about doing this?
Hi Syed,
Thank you for contacting us.
While currently, we don't have an official Drupal Cloudinary module, there's a contributed Drupal code which is not maintained by Cloudinary (https://www.drupal.org/project/cloudinary), but it seems to work pretty well for some of our customers. We encourage community contributions to Cloudinary's client libraries and promote them. In addition, it is in our road-map to officially support Drupal, but there's no ETA yet.
Additionally, the React SDK currently doesn't support React native as well.
You might want to consider using our JS library for this matter.Additionally, you can directly use our API for uploads. Please see this fiddle for a code example of such upload process (simply add your cloud_name and fill an upload preset) -
http://jsfiddle.net/fw9pty0v/Hope this helps, please let me know if you have any further questions.
Raya0 -
I see that Drupal module https://www.drupal.org/project/cloudinary is not actively maintained, any update on official support Drupal?
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I'm sorry, but an official Drupal integration is still not available. While it's still considered to be added to our roadmap, there's no ETA for this yet.
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Now that there is an actively developed beta version of this module available, would you consider at least providing technical support to the developers? I'm sure I'm not the only customer who has to support important Drupal sites.
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Hi @Autumn,
I tried searching the packagist site but unfortunately didn't see the drupal package so if you could provide the direct link, we would appreciate that. If they have used our PHP SDK, Cloudinary maintains this SDK and will be supported. However, the drupal module that is built on top of it is not officially supported by Cloudinary.
I hope this helps.
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It's the same link as provided in the second comment, https://www.drupal.org/project/cloudinary.
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Hi Autumn,
Thank you for providing the direct link. Cloudinary, at this point, does not officially support the drupal module above. While we have a Drupal entry on our roadmap, the development effort will be based on feedback we get on the roadmap.
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