Downloading images from Cloudinary in Android
I'm trying to figure out what the optimal workflow would be for an image transformation process in which a transformed image is again uploaded to another API.
According to Cloudinary (, I can access uploaded images with the following kind of URL structure and also simultaneously transform them: ``,h_100/sample.jpg``.
Assuming that sample.jpg already exists in Cloudinary, the provided link will fetch it with a image resize transformation already applied.
Can I simply provide this link to Picasso and turn it into a Bitmap?
.into(new Target() {
public void onBitmapLoaded (final Bitmap bitmap, Picasso.LoadedFrom from){
/* Save the bitmap or do something with it here */
Also does the support forum provide code markdown? That would be really helpful. Thanks!
Hi Martin,
Your load code looks correct. Specifying the `width` and `height` in the URL will manipulate the image on-the-fly, delivering a resized image to Picasso.
And yes, the forum does support code markdown:)
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