Auto upload image to cloudinary
Here is my scenerio.
I am running a WordPress real estate website. Images for the website are auto downloaded via RETS.
Ideally I'd like to have the RETS image download, download images directly to cloudinary. However I can only download to a desktop folder. Can I create a desktop cloudinary folder?
If not, can I send images from the desktop folder to cloudinary? And can this be synced so cloudinary looks to see if there are new images in the desktop folder or an auto photo transfer options. This can not be a manual import to cloudinary.
Thanks in advance for your help and support. I hope I can make cloudinary work for this scenario.
Official comment
Hi Randi,
Thank you for contacting us!
Currently we are not supporting auto upload from a local directory to Cloudinary.
However, there are two solutions in order to provide bulk upload from your local drive:
1.Using this sample script that is looping through a list of local files's paths and uploads them to a Cloudinary account -
FILES_PATH = '/home/pictures/my_image_1','/home/pictures/my_image_2','/home/pictures/my_image_3','/home/pictures/my_image_4' # A list of files paths.
index = FILES_PATH.size - 1
until index == 0
puts FILES_PATH[index] # Prints the file's path
index -= 1
end2. Upload a directory to the media library by drag and drop the folder from your local drive to here:
Let me know if it answers your question,
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