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Auto upload image to cloudinary


1 comment

  • Official comment
    Shirly Manor

    Hi Randi,

    Thank you for contacting us!

    Currently we are not supporting auto upload from a local directory to Cloudinary.

    However, there are two solutions in order to provide bulk upload from your local drive:


    1.Using this sample script that is looping through a list of local files's paths and uploads them to a Cloudinary account -

    FILES_PATH = '/home/pictures/my_image_1','/home/pictures/my_image_2','/home/pictures/my_image_3','/home/pictures/my_image_4'  # A list of files paths. 

    index = FILES_PATH.size - 1

    until index == 0
    puts FILES_PATH[index] # Prints the file's path
    index -= 1

    2. Upload a directory to the media library by drag and drop the folder from your local drive to here:


    Let me know if it answers your question,



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