Image not displaying Invalid URL
I'm using cloudinary to store image and imagemagick to upload, the image upload successfully as i can see it on my cloudinary dashboard but it doesn't display on the page it gives these following error, this is a heroku app
Invalid URL,h_48,w_48/sktx7wflb9ewtg6zypu4.png
The requested URL "http://%5bNo%20Host%5d/image/upload/c_fit,h_240,w_240/sktx7wflb9ewtg6zypu4.png", is invalid. Reference #9.9d086a7c.1504157220.4809d0a
Official comment
Note that the basic cloudinary URL format is:
So in this case it would be:,h_48,w_48/sktx7wflb9ewtg6zypu4.png
Please let me know if you have any further questions.
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