API - Change image quality permanent
We uploaded many JPEG images at 100% quality and we will soon hit our storage usage.
So we can save a lot of memory if we would upload them at around 85-90%. Does the API provides a function to change quality of images permanently? (in other words replace the original image with a quality transformation)
Else we need to write a script that downloads the 100% image and uploads it again at 85%, which will take a lot of time due to small bandwidth.
Cloudinary supports applying an 'Incoming transformation' in order to transform your images before storing them in your account.
Here's how (in Node.js)
cloudinary.v2.uploader.upload("sample.jpg", { quality: 85, width: 500, height: 500, crop: "limit" }, function(error, result) { console.log(result); });
You can read more about it here:
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can I transform the uploaded pics permanently without uploading them again? Or can I use incoming transformations using Auto-uploading over URL? With the term Auto-uploading I mean this:
Thank you
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Yes, you can use incoming transformations together with auto-uploading over URL by creating an Upload Preset with incoming-transformations with the same name as your upload-mapping.
More information and example here:
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