Scaling images instead of using CDN
I have tried cloudinary and run my site through Google's Page Speed Insights, which suggests I simply scale images instead of using cloudinary. Since I have 20 big images on my homepage and used cloudinary on them, how do I go about reverting to my previous , pre-cloudinary images so that I can scale them? Can I just deactivate cloudinary, or do I have to individually reinstall the images?
Paul Wooten
Hi Paul,
Cloudinary does much more than just scale images. It saves time by allowing simple cropping and manipulations right from your WP console, it automatically optimizes the images size (like smushit), it backups all images, delivers the images via CDN so greatly improves viewing speed, reduces load from his server, and much more.
Still, if you wish to go back to manually cropping each image and serving them from your own WP server, then it's possible of-course. Currently Cloudinary doesn't support migrating out automatically (should be available with the next version of our plugin, in ~2 weeks). But you can do that for your existing images one by one.
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