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  • Itay Taragano

    Hi Sergei,

    Fetched resources are cached for one week. We then check whether the original has been modified and re-fetch it if it was.

    UPDATE: Default behavior was changed and fetched resources are now cached for a 7 day period unless otherwise configured. See different options here.

  • Alastair MacMurray

    If the original is deleted is the file also deleted on the CDN? If there anyway to prevent this? 

  • Itay Taragano

    Hi Alastair,

    When using fetch, Cloudinary will automatically refresh only if it is specifically enabled for your account (refresh is disabled in default). 

    Which means that if fetch refresh is enabled for your account, and the original image is updated or deleted, the image in your Cloudinary account will be updated or deleted as well.

    Using the new Lazy migration will fetch your images from remote URLs, and they won't get deleted after being uploaded, even if the original was.

  • Nikola Medjugorac

    Where is option to enable "refresh"? 

  • Itay Taragano

    If you want refreshing enabled for your account, please share your cloud name and we'll be happy to enable it for you.

    Please note that automatic refreshing is supported to our paid plans only.

    If you prefer privacy, you can always open a ticket and we'll be happy to further assist.

  • Nikola Medjugorac

    Thanks. don't need it at the moment. How can i do this myself, via php?

  • Nikola Medjugorac

    Got it .. ignore my last question

  • Mike Deverell

    As of today (Nov 6, 2018), the latest update to this post is:

    > Default behaviour was changed and fetched resources are now cached indefinitely unless otherwise configured.

    Is this still the case? The article linked in Itay's post has more recent comments on it stating that the default cache is 7 days.

  • Ido


    Thanks for bringing this to our attention. 

    The default cache period for fetched resources is indeed 7 days

    We will change the update accordingly.


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