Newbie question.
I have opened an account, created a upload Preset. And then strait off taken the example to upload from iOS. But all i get is.
-[__NSDictionaryM cl_valueForKey:defaultValue:]: unrecognized selector sent to instance 0x166ca530
Code is:
- (BOOL) sendPictureToCloudinary:(UIImage *)imageToSend attachedToBarcode:(NSString *)barcode{
return FALSE;
NSData *imageData = UIImagePNGRepresentation(imageToSend);
CLCloudinary *cloudinary = [[CLCloudinary alloc] init];
[cloudinary.config setValue:@"yyyyyyyyyyy" forKey:@"cloud_name"];
CLUploader* uploader = [[CLUploader alloc] init:cloudinary delegate:self];
[uploader unsignedUpload:imageData uploadPreset:@"xxxxx" options:@{}]
return TRUE;
We believe that the following might solve the issue you're experiencing:
Please go to your XCode project settings,
Under the Linker section go to "Other Linker Flags" and add -ObjC0
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