Add folder parameter to Rails simple form upload
In my rails app, I use Carrierwave to upload files to Cloudinary. I also use Simple form to render forms in views. I am trying to upload my files to specific folders in cloudinary.
In the uploader.rb file, this works well
def public_id
return "my_folder/" + model.full_name
But what I want is to specify the folder parameter in the views using simple form. So i tried something like this,
<%= f.input :resume, :folder => "talents/", :public_id => "my_name" %>
The files get uploaded to Cloudinary but not the folder. Is it possible to pass the folder parameter successfully to simple form in the views?
Hi Hakeem,
Since the folder is innately part of the public_id, could you try to add the folder as part of the public_id when rendering the form? For example -
<%= f.input :resume, :public_id => "talents/my_name" %>
Let us know if that works?
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Hi Aleksandar,
Thanks for your response.
I just tried it out but it did not work
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Hi Hakeem,
Can you please share what do you get? (print it out)?
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I do not get an error per se. But the stack trace looks like this
Parameters: {"talent"=>{"full_name"=>"", "email"=>"", "mobile_number"=>"", "resume"=>#<ActionDispatch::Http::UploadedFile:0x00007ffc21aba8b8 @tempfile=#<Tempfile:/var/folders/7h/tdhsj9mn4p53fsnch2hn2500000gn/T/RackMultipart20200526-10917-ccz4vu.pdf>, @original_filename="Resume.pdf", @content_type="application/pdf", @headers="Content-Disposition: form-data; name=\"talent[resume]\"; filename=\"Resume.pdf\"\r\nContent-Type: application/pdf\r\n">}, "commit"=>"Submit Application", "job_id"=>"79"}
From the stack trace I can see that the public_id is not been passed as part of the params
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Hi Hakeem,
Thanks for sharing that.
Could you try with the direct client-side uploads detailed in this section of the documentation - That will allow you to render a form input field for uploading directly and as part of the method call to render it, you should be able to include a "folder" parameter or instead, a "public_id" parameter which will include both the folder and name of the file. For example "talents/my_image_name".
Once it uploads successfully, the identifier (including resource_type, type version and public_id) would be set in a hidden field which you can define. Then in your controller, you can take this value and use the StoredFile class to generate a preloaded file and attach it to the model. There is an example of that further down in the above-linked documentation. Specifically for CarrierWave, we also have a class for that which you can use to preload your files. Please see the following support article for details -
Similar to the general example, you would take the value (identifier) from the form's hidden input and supply that to "Cloudinary::CarrierWave::StoredFile" to generate and you can attach this preloaded object to your model.
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