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CLOUDINARY_URL not working with Nestjs.



  • Aleksandar Kostadinov

    Hi @Abrar Dev,

    I see that you raised this in a GitHub thread so I'll link to it from here for reference:

  • Gary

    The issue was closed before a solution was provided. I have the same problem. The `CLOUDINARY_URL` environment variable is printed one `console.log("process.env.CLOUDINARY_URL")`, but I still get the `Must supply api_key` error.

  • Aleksandar Kostadinov

    Hi @Gary,

    It looks like the @Abrar Dev marked the GitHub thread as closed - perhaps he was able to find the reason the value of the Environment variable was inaccessible. If you're seeing this issue then please feel free to re-open the GitHub thread with more details. Generally, the Cloudinary NPM package hasn't had any updates affecting the CLOUDINARY_URL and how that is picked up, but if you're seeing this issue with "multer-storage-cloudinary" then perhaps @Abrar Dev will be able to share any insights from his investigation.


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