Upload Widget No Image Rotating:((
When this feature will be added?
If no plans to add then how can I implement this, any help please?
Hi Melis,
Can you please share some more details about your use-case. Any steps to reproduce and the code will help to understand the issue better.
Aditi0 -
Hi Aditi,
We are launching web-platform where pet hotel businesses list their property
to rent out their room/spaces online 24/7 for dog owners.
In order to complete business property profile, pet hotel owners will need
to upload photos of their facilities like room pics, public space pics, lobby, playgrounds and so on.
I don't want businesses experience problems when they upload photos of their
property. If pics need rotations this might slow down property registration.0 -
Hi Melis,
When applying a transformation, Cloudinary automatically rotates images based on their EXIF information.
Cloudinary, by using the image's metadata, makes sure the image is correctly rotated before delivery. If you would like to avoid the rotation you can use a_ignore in the transformation.
Aditi-1 -
Hi Aditi,
Thanks a lot, one of your colleagues already replied me to my e-mail.
Have a good day.
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