Bad Request 400 POST API requet. Empty body response.
I am using fetch calling
with the body
file: (tried base64 and also a buffer file),
public_id: 'images/abc',
signature: generated
api_key: <redacted>
timestamp: timestamp
I suspect the issue is with the file data?
If I do the same request via postman but use Postman's file upload button, the request works. Via my own program it does not.
The issue is, I do not get an error to act upon. The body is empty, the headers are empty.
My response is:
"statusText":"Bad Request",
I cannot find any error logs either. 11th Feb, 12th Feb, 14th Feb are probably my most common requests. I read about 400 errors being cached, maybe I fixed it once but got a cached response?
Thanks for any replies and help will be greatly appreciated!
PS: the reason I'm not using the SDK is that I couldnt see clear support / docs for ESM type imports only require and when I tried import cloudinary from "cloudinary" and used the SDK it didn't seem to work either. Cheers.
Hi Aaron,
Looking at the logs, it seems that the body isn't included in the request.
You can refer here, for an example of sending a direct call to the rest API:
If you would like to provide your full upload request we will gladly further take a look.
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