how to store thumbanail of pdf and video to avoid on the fly processing
I know I can upload pdfs using this code
Cloudinary::Uploader.upload("SinglePageSample.pdf", :public_id => "single_page_pdf") and also we can generate the thumbail of the pdf dynamically as depicted in But in that way on the fly processing takes some time before it downloads in the client. So my question is can we also create thumbnails of desired width and height at the same time when we are uploading it for faster processing?
Same question goes for videos.
Hi John,
You can most definitely generate thumbnails during the upload process. If you use our eager transformations you can eagerly create the required transformations during the upload process so all transformed images will already be available before your users access them for the first time.
Please feel free to read more about our eager transformations in our documenation here:
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