Uploading medium/large images in base64
Hello, when I try to upload a Base64 image in NodeJS, even some small ones (such as 368kb) I get the following error:
Error: ENAMETOOLONG: name too long, open 'data: image / jpg; base64
Followed by the base64 code that represents the image. I can only upload images with about 4kb... Someone can help-me to find a way to upload images bigger than 4kb?
Hi Victor,
Would you be able to attach/post your code so that we can take a closer look at what may be happening here? And if you could send over the image(s) that you're able to and not able to upload that would be really helpful as well.
Also, if you'd like to open a support ticket so that you don't have to share your code, images, etc. here please feel free to do so at:
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