PHP Photo Album sample JS code not working with newest jquery.cloudinary.js?
I was trying to follow the PHP Photo Album sample in setting up my own environment, but couldn't get a similar upload page to work. I finally compared the versions of jquery.cloudinary.js being used in the sample and in my download. The sample uses version 1.0.2 of jquery.cloudinary.js. When pointed to the current version, 1.0.9, I couldn't get it to work.
I adapted the same section of JS code from the Ruby Photo Album sample (which has several differences) and it works with 1.0.9. If I'm right about this, I suggest updating the JS in the PHP sample as soon as possible.
Hi Doug,
There were indeed differences in initialization (jQuery ready). The version is now upgraded to 1.0.9 and the code is now fixed.
Thank you for pointing that out.
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