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Upload widget UI translated in other languages ?



  • Deepak Vishwakarma

    @Bertrand Larsy : In case of any solution, Kindly contact me :

  • Itay Taragano

    It's on our road-map to support i18n for the widget. We will be happy to update here once it becomes available.

  • Gilberto Torrezan Filho

    I translated my upload widget by using CSS hacks with pseudo elements. Here is a snippet, using the minimal css as template (just replace the 'My text for...' for your actual translation):

    #cloudinary-navbar .source.local .label,
    #cloudinary-navbar .source.url .label {
    visibility: hidden;

    #cloudinary-navbar .source.local .label:after,
    #cloudinary-navbar .source.url .label:after,
    #cloudinary-navbar .label:after {
    display: block;
    visibility: visible;
    position: relative;

    #cloudinary-navbar .source.local .label:after {
    content: 'My text for My Files';

    #cloudinary-navbar .source.url .label:after {
    content: 'My text for URL';

    #cloudinary-navbar .label:after {
    content: 'My text for Camera';

    #cloudinary-widget .note,
    .widget .panel.url .note {
    visibility: hidden;
    line-height: 1px;

    #cloudinary-widget .note:after,
    .widget .panel.url .note:after {
    display: block;
    visibility: visible;
    position: relative;
    line-height: 23px;

    .widget .panel.url .note:after {
    content: 'My text for public URL image file';

    #cloudinary-widget .note:after {
    content: 'My text for make sure your browser supports camera';

    #cloudinary-widget .panel.local .drag_area .drag_content .label.label_single,
    #cloudinary-widget .panel.local .drag_area .drag_content .label.label_multiple,
    .widget .panel.local .drag_area .drag_content .or {
    line-height: 1px;
    visibility: hidden;

    #cloudinary-widget .panel.local .drag_area .drag_content .label.label_single:after,
    #cloudinary-widget .panel.local .drag_area .drag_content .label.label_multiple:after,
    .widget .panel.local .drag_area .drag_content .or:after {
    display: block;
    visibility: visible;
    position: relative;
    line-height: 35px;

    #cloudinary-widget .panel.local .drag_area .drag_content .label.label_single:after {
    content: 'My text for drag the file here';

    #cloudinary-widget .panel.local .drag_area .drag_content .label.label_multiple:after {
    content: 'My text for drag the files here';

    .widget .panel.local .drag_area .drag_content .or:after {
    content: 'My text for or';

    #cloudinary-widget .button.select_file.select_single,
    #cloudinary-widget .button.select_file.select_multiple,
    #cloudinary-widget .button.capture_camera {
    line-height: 1px;
    color: transparent;
    width: 260px;

    #cloudinary-widget .button.select_file.select_single:after,
    #cloudinary-widget .button.select_file.select_multiple:after,
    #cloudinary-widget .button.capture_camera:after {
    display: block;
    visibility: visible;
    position: relative;
    line-height: 30px;
    color: #CE3340;

    .widget .panel.local .upload_button_holder input[type="file"] {
    width: 262px;

    #cloudinary-widget .upload_button_holder {
    width: 260px;
    cursor: pointer;

    #cloudinary-widget .upload_button_holder:hover .button.select_file.select_single:after,
    #cloudinary-widget .upload_button_holder:hover .button.select_file.select_multiple:after,
    #cloudinary-widget .button_holder:hover .button.capture_camera:after {
    color: #ffffff;

    #cloudinary-widget .button.select_file.select_single:after {
    content: 'My text for Select file';

    #cloudinary-widget .button.select_file.select_multiple:after {
    content: 'My text for Select files';

    #cloudinary-widget .button.capture_camera:after {
    content: 'My text for Capture';

  • Deepak Vishwakarma

    There is an option, "text" where you can pass your i18n text. please refer to Customization tab, text option in

  • Arturo Ojeda

    Hi there

    I just created this repo and will be uploading translation to Spanish (México):

    Feel free to push other translations so that we can centralize them.



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