Can't get auto-resizing to work, I must be missing something fundamental..
On the image url:,ar_3:1,g_auto,f_auto,q_auto/w_auto:breakpoints_800_2400_20_10:800/on_the_phone_csmn8h.jpg loads in different sizes as I resize my Chrome browser.
If I paste the same url directly in as the browser address it does not resize; I assume the request has to come from a web page with the proper header to generate the client hints.
So I put <img src=",ar_3:1,g_auto,f_auto,q_auto/w_auto:breakpoints_800_2400_20_10:800/on_the_phone_csmn8h.jpg" class="alignnone wp-image-1825" width="100%"> into a page on a Wordpress site using the plugin and then modifying the Cloudinary/Upload-Insert string to fetch same picture. This never resizes either and I am generating the proper meta header. The Wordpress site is: with password=pass.
So what obvious point am I not understanding? Also can I do auto-resizing while using the free plan or is that the problem?
Hi Gregory,
The reason automatic responsive mechanism doesn't work here is that the client-hints are not being sent along with the request for the image.
To fix this, you must make sure to add the 'sizes' attribute to the HTML <img> tag (e.g.: sizes="50vw")
Does this work for you?
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