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Transform Image and keep metadata


1 comment

  • Stephen Doyle

    Hi Guy,

    The most likely reason that the keep_iptc flag won't preserve metadata on the derived version of an asset is if our automatic quality transformation was used either in the URL directly, or as your account's default quality setting ("upload" tab of the account settings).

    There's a note about this limitation in the documentation, and it's because the different tools and systems used for automatic quality may modify the metadata in unexpected ways, requiring it to be cleared:

    The keep_attribution flag should work in that case, however, so if you're seeing copyright-related fields (in particular, "artist, caption, creator, copyright, copyrightNotice, artworkCopyrightNotice, creditline") are missing, but were present on the original, please open a support request with an example and we can check it for you



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