Remote image with overlay
Hi guys, I'm trying to use an remote image as overlay with text and background image.
I'm feeling I'm almost there, but I can't get the image from URL
Below is the exact thing that I want to do, but instead the purple girl picture, I want to use an url image. Replace the bold for the url,y_200/c_thumb,h_690,l_CRACHA-BRIG3_nbrkko.jpg,r_30,w_690,y_-290/v1648844782/JA%CC%81_SOU_ALUNA_-_1080X1920__qrz1lr.png
I tried with fecth command, but didn't work. You guys have an idea what I can do it for fix it?
Hi Rodrigo,
You will need to use the remote image fetch overlay feature in order to achieve this (see, which can be done by using the l_fetch:<base64encoded_URL> transformation (also, as described in this link). For example, overlaying to a base image:
And you may need to allow this kind of transformation by adjusting the security settings of your account (i.e., by unchecking the Fetched URL from the Restricted media types).
Hope this helps.
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Thank you Eric,
It works perfectly with your example,c_thumb,h_690,r_30,w_690,y_-290/l_text:Montserrat_70_bold:John%0DSmith,y_200/v1648844782/JA%CC%81_SOU_ALUNA_-_1080X1920__qrz1lr.png
But when I tried to convert my own URL, I get error.
This is the orignal image URL
I also tried to change the / for %3F, and get the same error.
The base64 conversion
aHR0cHM6Ly9wcHMud2hhdHNhcHAubmV0L3YvdDYxLjI0Njk0LTI0LzY1MjkzMzc3XzQ4MjQ3NzIyMjU3OTg0NF82OTkwMzAyMzY5Mzg4OTUzNjBfbi5qcGc/Y2NiPTExLTQmb2g9MDFfQVZ5Z1VhN0lGaXlnbjJvQjEtNzVKbTFWel9reHdQRzNoQVNMb1l1R3g3Z2diZyZvZT02MjUzMTg0Qg==0 -
Hi Rodrigo,
The base64 you have provided contains a "/" which affects the delivery URL, and it needs to be replaced by "_" as described in this link. For example:
Hope this helps.
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If helps?? It saves my day!!!!
Thank you so much Eric0
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