How to set max image height?
I am working on an app where users can upload images. I have set a max width of 400 and using the 'fill' value for crop like so:
config.public.cloudinaryBaseURL +
config.public.cloudinaryCloudName +
But how to handle issues of really tall images? Can I set a max height while keeping the width at 400?
Or, should I not be using c_fill for this?
Here is example screenshot where I don't want to go any taller than this:

Hi Nick,
Thanks for reaching out. I would advise the c_lfill transformation. This will scale the image down to the maximum dimension(s) that you specify, only if the original image is larger than what you've specified. I can link to our documentation on that cropping mode for your reference:
Can you take a look at those docs and let me know how this works for your use case?Kind Regards,
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