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File type is missing in the URL for raw files



  • Eric Pasos

    Hi Gowtham,

    The format is dependent on the extension of the file being uploaded to your Media Library account. For example:

    cloudinary.uploader.upload("", public_id="6bf8544f-ac67-4353-98fe-318b4e798354-CV_1658357175698", resource_type="raw")
    In the case that you want to provide this information, you can add the filename extension or you may use the `format` parameter, and this value will become the extension of the asset filename. For example:
    cloudinary.uploader.upload("", format="docx", public_id="6bf8544f-ac67-4353-98fe-318b4e798354-CV_1658357175698", resource_type="raw")
    Hope this helps. Please let me know if you have any further questions.


  • Gowtham Ravichandran

    Hey Eric,

    Thanks for your quick response.

    I tried setting the format option in the URL. When I use the format option, the filename is stored in the Cloudinary as <example>.docx.docx and if I remove the format, the filename is stored as <example>.

    I am passing the file with the extension. Could you please help?

    Thanks in adavnce!

  • Eric Pasos

    Hi Gowtham,

    It is also possible to provide the extension of the file without using the parameter format, for example:

    cloudinary.uploader.upload("c:\samplefile.doc", public_id="samplepublicid", resource_type="raw")

    But just to check further, could you please help to provide a sample upload code that you used and also a sample *.docx file that has this duplicated extension?


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