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Cloudinary Media Library



  • Raya Straus


    Thank you for contacting us.

    Every transformed image is counted only once against your quota.Furthermore, the next time you will request for the same image (same day or a year later, as long as you haven't deleted the derived image) your Transformations will not be charged at all.

    Currently, we don't have advanced reporting that is specific to the exact amount an asset is being requested. However, if you go to your reports page -, the "Top Image Transformations" will display the statistics of the most used transformations.

    Hope this helps, please let me know if you have any further questions.


  • Accedo Dev

    Hello Raya,

    For the transformed image, does this mean the same image of a different size?

    For example, I have an image that I use for both web and mobile, which request different transformation sizes from cloudinary, since the web image will be larger than the mobile image. Will this count as 2 transformation or just 1 transformation since it's basing itself on the same image?

  • Raya Straus


    A transformed image means all newly processed assets including original uploads and derivatives. For example, if you upload an image, then apply a transformation (e.g., w_200,h_200,c_fill), two transformations will be counted towards the transformations quotas. Once for the original image's upload, and an additional one for the initial transformation generation (the first time the 200x200 image's URL is accessed).

    In regards to generating the image both for the web and mobile, the browser decides on the image size but the image is still delivered as the original. Hence, in this case, it is not counted as a transformation.  

    You can read more on how we count our transformations on the following link-

    Moreover, you can read more on how are quotas are counted on the following link-


    Hope this helps, please let me know if you have any other questions.





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