Applying Transformations to your assets
- How can I save an edited image in the Media Library?
- What are named transformations and how to use them
- Adding Text Overlays to Images with Cloudinary's Management Console
- Copying named transformations between product environments using Java
- How to always upload a square image
- How to Apply Gravity-Based Crops on Images with Cloudinary
- Restrict certain file extensions/formats on Upload
- Developing and Using Named Transformations with Cloudinary Images and Videos
- Enhancing Videos with Cloudinary's e_loop: A Guide to Seamless Video Loops
- How can I integrate the media editor widget with the media library widget?
- Suggested transformation options for placeholder images/ LQIP
- How to set an automatic format selection (f_auto) when using eager transformations
- Transforming PSD layers with self-referencing variable
- Using image context values in transformations
- Why is my overlayed text trimmed incorrectly?
- How to overlay emojis in images
- Why is image metadata stripped when applying transformations to my images?
- Specifying font styles in text overlays
- Why is my image blurry?
- Cropping to Aspect Ratio
- How can I optimize my videos?
- How to make a canvas like image
- Cropping images using the Upload Widget and using custom coordinates
- How does using DPR differ from setting multiplied dimension values?
- What does the Restricted image types list means in my Account settings?
- What can I do when faces are being falsely detected or not properly detected?
- How can I darken my image?
- How can I associate an incoming transformation with a specific upload-mapping?
- How can I force a specific image to feature when sharing my links on Facebook?
- When should I use the text_no_trim flag?